
Friday, October 16, 2009

Here We Go...

The last few weeks have been sort of melencholy ones. Jesse and I have just moved to Spokane, following an impression to do so, and we've been a little aimless. I think--for the sake of any equally sub-fertile friends out there--I will be open about our struggle with this trial, but it will not be the focus too many of my posts. That being said, I was feeling especially down about our situation last night, and my Jesse had to remind me of some things that make me me. I realized then that I've let the wrong things consume my thoughts and that I need to remember my happy thoughts.

I was so inspired when we watched "Julie/Julia" last week. To be happy, you really have to follow those quirky things that make you tick. To serve as sort of an outline for this blog, I'm going to list some of my tickings:

*creating and eating beautiful food
*looking at the changing seasons and nature
*reading cookbooks, Ogden Nash, Louisa May Alcott, James Herriot, and J.M. Barrie
*my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
*my playful friends
*my family
*my husband
*writing creative nonfiction and poetry

There. Here we go!


  1. Yaaaaaayyy Kathleen tickings! Hee, I like how that has the double-meaning of "stuffing" -- like the cotton ticking of a quilt or stuffed bear.

  2. Hey, that's why I keep you around!


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