
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tomorrow's the big day. To be honest, between the holiday weekend and some trouble I've had getting a hold of the lab, it might be a couple days before we know our results. Also, if we take a few days to process before we shout out "yay!" or..."nay," don't be surprised.

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? You know how some families have traditions on Turkey Day? Like going around the table and saying what they're thankful for or playing football in the mud? We don't really do those things in the Galbraith/Burnett family, but we have our own traditions. Although the meal is hosted by different branches of the family each year, there are some things that never change. Always the table is beautiful and tasteful. Aunt Ginny's might be a little fancier and Aunt Susie's a little more intimate, but the men wear slacks and button-down shirts and the women wear skirts or nice trousers. There are hors d'oeuvres around the coffee table, and we eat in the evening (we aren't an afternoon meal family). Everyone brings something--a pie and something else. All Burnetts make good pie.  All of them. Doesn't matter who's making the apple and who's making the pumpkin and who's making the pecan.  The pecan pie always has dots of whipped cream piped around the edge of the pie with a pecan stuck in the middle of each whorl. And after the meal, when the food has set in, the cousins usually go back for more pie, and the board games might come out.

Aunt Susie's



Cousin Sarah, Aunt Susie, Aunt Ginny

A previous Thanksgiving at Aunt Ginny's

Feeding Austin pie on the table. See? We know how to loosen up. (Note the pecan pies.)

Maybe this sounds stuffy to some who might miss comfy clothes and football in the background, but not me. This is my family's big get together of the year, and I wish I could see my Aunt Ginny's beautiful table and my cousin's little girl whom I've yet to meet. Maybe next year.

We are looking forward to spending time with some of our favorite extended family of Jesse's though. Grandma Thorson flew in a couple days ago, and she's always a hoot. And we can't wait to see Jen and Carston from far away in Montana. And the rest of the gang, of course.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions?


  1. I loved reading about our Thanksgivings. I am not making any of the pies this year--but like you say, they will all be delicious! We will miss you guys! (You haven't ever seen Addie?)

  2. So lovely. It's going to be a good one this year!

  3. For the first time I'm a little jealous that my family doesn't do thanksgiving xx


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