
Monday, October 3, 2011

Catch up!

There have been some big changes to this old blog. For starters, I've merged My old blog with the Silly Pilgrims blog. Consequently, all the posts say they're by K + J, when a good portion of the posts for the last year are by Sarah or Annie. But I needed some continuity. Too many different blogs.  So here we are.

We got home from England! ...Three months ago!  Here's a tasty shot of Jesse in the Keflavik, Iceland Airport, trying out the Wii. I wasn't the only one who thought it was funny.

 This picture was taken around 2 a.m.  It was super duper weird that the sun never set.

We had a layover in New York, where our long-lost friends James and Jeff picked us up. We drove around Queens, trying to find a good pizza place. Because of traffic and time constraints, we only made it to Taco Bell. So we've kind of been to New York!  Anyway, it was just wonderful to see these two boys. Wonderful and kind of surreal. 

Shortly after arriving home, we celebrated my 26th birthday. Mom made me some lovely strawberry shortcake.

Let's see, in other news, Jesse's working for H and D in their HR department. I'm working on my writing, and we have some other projects in the works. Oooh, so cryptic. It's been great to spend time with my parents. Mom and I spent August canning peaches, blackberry jam, applesauce, strawberry jam, tomatoes, and green beans. Jesse and Dad do boy things like watch football and play the Wii (when they're not working. So they've done those things twice.) Jesse is also teaching morning seminary, which he loves. Things are good for now.


  1. Glad to hear that you guys are doing good. Are you still up in Spokane? If so, I might have to make a trip up there so you can meet my kid.

  2. I'm glad you're blogging again. Don't stop. I love making jam. You mean jam like I mean jam, right?

  3. Missing you lots. We WILL come visit one day XX


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.