
Friday, September 28, 2012

Input Desired

Hello. We're going to have a baby. In fact, we're going to have a baby very soon. Have we installed the car seat? No. Have we painted the nursery? No. Have we taken birth classes? Packed a hospital bag? No. And the worst part: we haven't picked out a name. September marked 5 years since we decided to add to our family. So how is it possible we are so un-ready??? 

This is where our friends and family come in and save the day. Here are the names we're deciding between, in no particular order (for some reason I feel it necessary to remind you of our last name after every one of these. Helps with the flow):

James Tiberius Thorson (this will not actually be happening, but that's not to say we haven't talked about it)
Jesse James Thorson
Daniel Atticus Thorson
Samuel Atticus Thorson
Jack Benjamin Thorson
Benjamin Jack Thorson
Jack Daniel Thorson (this will also not actually be happening, but we bring it up every time, thinking we've found the perfect combination...)

Vote for your favorite. Orson Thorson is out.


  1. Jack Daniels! I love it even without the association. Naturally, I'm also a fan of Jesse James. ;)

  2. Daniel Atticus Thorson. It's perfect. I thought Daniel was already decided, so that's what I've been calling him in my know, all those times I'm thinking about your baby.... Er, anyway. I LOVE the name Atticus. Strong, classic. Love it.

  3. Alright. My votes in order are: 1) Jack Benjamin Thorson 2) Daniel Atticus Thorson 3) Jesse James Thorson

    Oh, wait. I mean number 3 is number 1. Jesse James Thorson is awesome.

  4. I really like Benjamin Jack Thorson and Samuel Atticus Thorson.

  5. I still like Daniel Atticus...though I like Jesse James...cause then you could call him Junior. Or J.J. But my vote is still for Thor Mick.

    1. If we did do Jesse James, we decided specifically on no Juniors or JJ's. It'd be James, Jamie, Jimmy, Jim, that kinda thing.

  6. Theophillis Elisabeth Thorson.

    But I also like "Samuel Atticus."

  7. (PS: Try saying "Theophillis Elisabeth" five times fast.)


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.