
Monday, May 17, 2010

Poor Jud is...Tired.

So Jud has a place he's been chewing on his side. It's been there for months. We had it checked a while ago, put him on antibiotics, etc., and it's been sort of the same for a while. About a week ago, his eye started to get puffy. It didn't seem to really get any worse, but I thought I might as well take him in and get both issues fixed.

I went in, and the vet said I'd get more bang for my buck if we had him put under for a teeth cleaning, and she'd remove what she thought was a cyst on his side. The guy was already scared after being harassed by an unleashed dog in the waiting room, and now I was just gonna leave him there? Boo. (If you've never seen Jud get harassed before, here's a mental image of how submissive he is: I once took him on a walk past a house with a black lab. The lab ran to the sidewalk and Jud tucked his tail between his legs--while wagging it--sat down, and generously wet himself. Then the lab lifted his leg, and peed on Jud. Yeah.)

OK, so we go to pick him up, and the poor buddy's been put through the wringer! They found an extra adult incisor behind his front two teeth, which was infected and consequently pulled. The vet inserted a needle (Jesse, don't read this or you'll pass out) into the place below his eye and extracted like 6 c.c.'s of fluid. When it was gone, she could see that the bone underneath was chipped. When she cut into his side, she found much more "weird looking" tissue than she'd anticipated, and had to remove a good chunk. She couldn't get it all, as she would have had to cut into his abdominal wall. It just gets better and better. So we're sending a sample to be tested, and we'll just hope it's not something more serious than, well, a hole in his side.

So this is the state of my dog: tooth pulled, teeth cleaned, micro-chipped, IV'd, collared, stitched, drained, shaved, poked, drained some more, drugged, and harassed. This is what that looks like. It's so pathetic it's almost funny. Almost.


  1. Awww, that's SO SAD!!!! My heart goes out to the poor guy! I certainly hope it's not something worse. A hole in your side sounds bad enough. Well, at least he's got the cutest floppy ears around! :)

  2. OH MY GOSH!!! poor lil' submissive dude! I feel so bad for him! What a say the least!

  3. Oh Juddy! What a trooper! And I'd never heard that story about the black lab...oh Jud.

  4. Oh no! This is so sad! Poor Jud... I have such a love/hate relationship with vets.

  5. Oh, poor Juddy-Buddy!!! I hope you got my message about my new job. Maybe I should (instead) open a new business taking care of sad animals.

  6. Poor Jud is (well fed), a collar wreaths his head.
    He’s lying there so peaceful and serene…and serene.
    He isn’t very old, and he has a heart of gold.
    Why does such a feller have to sigh?

    Oh, my. Poor grand-dog. Love to all, Mom

  7. Poor Jud is (well fed), a collar wreaths his head.
    He’s lying there so peaceful and serene…and serene.
    He isn’t very old, and he has a heart of gold.
    Why does such a feller have to sigh?

    Oh, my. Poor grand-dog. Love to all, Mom


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