
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh Well...

Well, we are now recovering from our mad dash to Rexburg. It was so wonderful to see our lovely Annie, Liz, and Sarah. And CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah on getting into Kent!!! Wahooo! Anyway, Our auditions went well, but due to some different housing arrangements this year (and lots of good competition), we will not be a part of Playmill Theater this summer... Oh well. I'm really glad we tried out--Jesse especially had a great audition (something he needed right now).

So Valentine's Day consisted of a long day's drive (mostly by Jesse) and a fair bit of disappointment. But at the end of the day, I realized that I love Jesse more than the day I married him, more than the first day we held hands (Valentine's Day 10 years ago) and definitely more than the first day I saw him: when I was in sixth grade, we went to a performance of The Emperor's New Clothes. Guess who was the beboxer-shorted, curly-headed, eighth-grade Emperor? Yup, my Jesse. (By the way, we just figured this out this year.)

So we're regrouping, trying to focus on grad school stuff, and just hangin' out in wonderful spokane. Nope, doesn't deserve capitalization.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleeny! I am so sorry that you and Jesse didn't get into Playmill, but seriously it is their loss! You two are amazing, and I really wanted you to be closer to me. But I guess I will just have to settle for being with you guys in KENT!!!!geeeeeee I am so excited and so happy I'm in. Now I just need to apply for scholarships and financial aid!

    But you're awesome! And Samiee is also sad that you didn't get in. And we send hugs and love! PS we think you should move to Utah for the summer and work with us!


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.