
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Rain Rain, Go Away...

This drizzly weather is making me crazy! This is what I want:

But for now, I'll just stick with what I've got, which is probably what's best for me: a day off to focus on stuff I need to get done inside, i.e. cleaning and laundry.
In other news, our ward boundaries are being reorganized. Aside from not seeing some really great people every Sunday, this means I probably won't be in the young women's program anymore! When I became a Beehive leader, I was more than apprehensive. Never having been in the program, I was afraid I would do something wrong. However, my girls welcomed me with open arms and have become some of my very favorite people. They have taught me so much about gaining a testimony of truth and goodness. I only wish I had jumped in more whole-heartedly. Maybe somehow I'll still weasel my way into going to girls' camp this summer...?


  1. My school may redo its boundries... My principal asked if I might want to teach at a school closer to home, perhaps Jacksonville? I said that would be fine, just don't trade me off to Jackson or Washington. New boundries sometimes mean new opportunities.

  2. I wish SPRING was here like YESTERDAY!!!! I miss the SUN!! I have loved meeting you and getting to know you in YW!! I'm sad that the ward is being re-organized too! Such a bummer because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the YW program!


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.