
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Post

Well friends, another weekend has come and gone. Although yesterday and today were spent working and churching, we got to enjoy some sunshine on Friday! It was about 60 degrees here, and Jesse and I decided to go play. I made a pie, we went for a jog, I went with J to get a haircut, we ran some errands, went to the batting cages (yeah, I'm pretty good if you can believe it), and then made dinner, ate pie, went for a long walk, and watched The Sting with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. What a great day.

We've also given ourselves a challenge. As we're going to General Conference in about two weeks, we've decided it's about time we read through the Book of Mormon again. I'm not sure we're going to make our deadline, but we'll at least get a good chunk under our belts. I have to say, when I read the scriptures, sometimes it feels like wading through words. Not always, but sometimes. But the difference of my quality of life shoots way out of the park (still stuck on my surprising aptitude for baseball). I wake up feeling lighter, with a warmth in my heart and an excitement about the day. I'll keep you apprised of our progress. I know you're just dying to know how we do.

If I don't blog before then, I want to give a birthday shout-out to Mama Llama! Hope you have a fabulous spring break and get some r&r. Tell Medford hello and smell some daphne for me!


  1. Oh goodness, I am having a hard time meeting the deadline for the Book of Mormon too, but I have to agree that when I make an effort to read the quality of my life improves greatly!

    I am so excited to see you guys!

    Love you!

  2. Thanks, Baby Llama!

    I believe the batting cage story...just yesterday at the J'Ville Inn (B'day lunch w/ Mom & Dad) we talked about how well you could throw a football. Mom said I have no ball skills b/c no one played catch with me...I'll take any offered excuses.

    I took a bouquet of daphne next door and told the kids it was spring in a glass; they declared it awesome. I have rhubarb and feel a pie coming on...

    Spring Break has been wonderful! Tilled a little, planted strawberries, read "Three Cups of Tea" and have successfully navigated the kitchen cabinet market. (Gary Smith includes installation for less than Lowes charges for DIY.) The Applegate Valley is gorgeous this time of year! Love to you both!


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.