
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Guess Who???

I spent the evening at the Potter home, and had a lovely time. At one point I remembered I hadn't taken a picture yet for my picture a day blog. (Which you can go to here... if you like. So I turn to Esther and ask her to make a face. This turned into a game of imitations. So lets see if you can guess who Esther is?

Here is your first picture. Now who is Esther trying to be?

If you guessed... ME then you are correct.

Now on to the next face... Now who do you think this could be?

If you guessed.... Annie... then you are correct!

I liked that Esther even made her chin a bit more prominent to be more like Annie. This little girl is good.

Now on to the next guess... who on earth could this be?

Why Kathleen of course!

(Well really it is Kathleen being Robert DeNiro. So really it is Esther being Kathleen being Robert DeNiro.)

So that leaves one last Pilgrim left. Here is Esther being...

Jesse... and man I think she has a gift for this.

Jesse is the best at the grumpy face, and at scaring the children. I think Esther captured that well.

And as I was searching for pictures I came across another similar picture that I thought of sharing.

This first picture is of Esther and Heather just messing about. But then look at how close it is to the next picture.

It seems quite similar to Annie and Kathleen messing about in front of the camera.

Just a bit of silliness really. And a great way to smile through the evening.


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