
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pre-Thanksgiving Post

With Thanksgiving coming up, I've been feeling like giving some thankses. Especially as we're the only people we know celebrating, it seems especially necessary. Prepare yourself, this is going to be a long list!

  • I'm so grateful to be living in this beautiful country. It's just as pretty as I imagined, and really seems like home.
  • I grateful for Jesse. Wouldn't you be if your husband actually thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world? This guy takes care of not only me, but everyone he can. He's the big brother to most of our friends. He's very passionate about the things he's interested in. He's always there for me (though sometimes unconsciously) to snuggle with after nightmares. He loves chick-flicks and boxing, walks and weightlifting, peach-picking and laser tag. What's not to love?

  • I'm thankful for those weirdy roommates of mine. Annie is my tree-lovin' apple-pickin' strong-jawed dog connoisseur and salad chomper. She makes me want to be healthy, have a tree party, be a better writer, and cook all day long. It's so wonderful to have someone to share dinner cooking and kitchen cleaning duty. It's been a while since I've felt this taken care of.
  • Then there's Sarey. I'm grateful for this kid-in-a-can. I can be in the most foul mood, and Sarah's stupid infectious laugh always makes me feel better. Seriously, the girl could make anyone giggle. I'm grateful to have someone around to be a kid with. Sarah has been sort of a constant for the past 5 years or so, and she's someone I can always rely on.

  • I'm grateful to have my parents. I can say without a doubt I have been raised by goodly ones. My dad is so funny and good. He throws his head back when he laughs. He works like a madman. He taught me to work hard, too. I've never heard him talk badly about anyone but politicians and contractors. Mom taught me how to love people. She taught me how to recognise truth. She made me love fruit and growing things and cooking. She taught me to be classy.

  • I'm thankful for fall!

  • I'm thankful for cozy chairs and blankets and hot water bottles.

  • I'm thankful for electric tea kettles. If you don't have one, go get one. Faster than a microwave! We use it for everything. I had forgotten about these great gadgets after Scotland, but I'm re-in love.

  • I'm grateful for my health.

  • I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father and all the beautiful things he makes. Who else could think up eyelids, parents, coral reefs, electricity, heart valves, oak trees, bird migrations, or chocolate cake? (ok, ok, I know Annie invented that one) I'm grateful that I know he answers ever prayer. I've been keeping a prayer journal lately and logging the things I pray for at night. I've been amazed at all the little things I've been missing that he does just because I asked.

  • I'm thankful for school

  • I'm grateful for Frasier. We've been watching it steadily, and it's so nice to settle down all together with a cup of chamomile and some biscuits and laugh and laugh.

  • I'm thankful for our house.

  • and for my sister

  • and my grandparents

  • and Skype

  • I'm thankful for people who care about the things I don't, like math, science, medicine, engineering, accounting, manufacturing, etc.
  • I'm thankful for food.

  • I'm especially thankful for our ward right now. We've been housed, fed, called, taught, hugged, rescued, driven, bonfired, loved, and befriended by the members of our ward. I'm grateful for Esther and John, Jamie and Emma, Craig and Naomi, Jeffrey, Kasia, and the rest.

There are many more things, but I'm probably boring everyone. Needless to say, I have a lot to be grateful for. I've been very blessed in my life.


  1. I am blog stalker.

    Really though-- I look up to all you guys. Hope you don't mind. I'm just inspired by the likes of you, so.. thanks for being awesome.


  2. So when are you going to come and be grateful for Scotland?
    I miss your faces!

  3. This was too sweet! You guys and your adventures make me smile and secretly wish I was younger again! =)So, for that..I am thankful!! Love you!

  4. I loved this blog anyway but I love it even more now.

  5. I am grateful for you--that you are so thoughtful and intelligent and funny and good.
    I am grateful for our past experiences together and for your bright future. I am grateful that you love and take care of people there that I love. Group hug from/with BroSam Scott

  6. We were first on your list about the ward, that must mean you love us most! Wohoo! I love you too!


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