
Friday, October 23, 2009

Thank You for My Thank you

Mmmm. No one in this house understands the wonder that is cold apple pie for breakfast. Oh well, more for me.

I was driving yesterday and saw one of those sweet old couples who walk around holding hands and you can't tell who's leaning on who--you know the ones. And I thought, as everyone does, I hope I look like that someday. And I realized, I already have that. It may be a while in the future, but I already have that completely covered.

I've been having trouble falling asleep lately. Last night, this time proved to be a quiet period to contemplate. After crawling into bed next to a sleeping husband, I thought about where we're going right now (like always). I don't want to waste this time. Even if we do have kids, I don't want to say, "Boy Honey, this is great, but those 2 + years before we had kids, sheesh, what a wretched time." I prayed that I might be who Heavenly Father wants me to be right now, and that I might be more grateful.

Then I was impressed to pray for my Young Women. I wished for them that they would remember whose daughters they are, how much power for good is on their side, and how it's ok to be young and innocent and special and different and happy and carefree once in a while. And then I remembered that just because I never was in "Young Women's" and I'm married now, that's who I am. I am one of those. And I lay there in the comfortable crack between our two pushed-together twin beds, with my Molly curled up on my left and my Jesse sleeping on my right, holding my hand. And I squeezed his hand, and without missing a single little snore, he squeezed back. And I was grateful. And that's how Heavenly Father answered my prayers last night.

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