
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Silly Thoughts

I know it's ridiculous that I've posted so much in less than 24 hours, but I think it's good.

So today, somewhere between sleep and awake, I had a funny thought that seemed so natural. I was still dreaming a little, but wondering what I'd do today. I imagined being the earth, and feeling what people were doing as they drove, walked, mowed, and jogged on my head (this seemed perfectly normal at the time). I (as the earth) decided that the people going about their lives felt to me like a wonderful head-scratching. This made me think, "well, whatever I decide to do today will be a good choice, and everwhere I walk or drive will be just fine, but I wonder if there is a particular spot that the earth would like scratched..."


  1. Hi Kathleen! It's nice to meet you via the internet. I received your comment on my LDS Infertility Diaries post and it totally made my day. Somehow it is comforting to know that there's someone else out there going through the same or similar things. I think it's so great that you recently started this blog of yours! I know mine is an outlet for me too. And I love how you put it: "dig up some of the things I love...remember what makes me happy." I recently wrote a post with similar sentiments. Check it out if you care to:
    I wish you the best of happiness in your little part of the world in Washington. I'll probably come check out your blog occasionally to see what you're up to. Perhaps we can be blog friends!
    Happy Fall!
    ♥ Amy in Georgia

  2. I think you should use this idea in some creative writing.


Hiya, thanks for checking in--we love hearing from you.