
Thursday, August 8, 2013


July was a really fun month. Annie came to visit, which is always cause for celebration. We rafted the Rogue with Jesse's mom and brother, went to the fair and rode a camel, had birthday dinner with Becca and Chrystal at Mom's house, and ate blackberries, crab, salmon, and Chinese food.

THE cake


Danny LOVES peaches

Not sure about the goat or the cow

 Erin and Annie riding the hurl-o-whirl

Not a super flattering picture. Of the camel.

I should be showering.

Nap time is when one gets things done. One is blogging and hoping one's child doesn't wake up before one gets to showering.

Danny updates:

Danny is now crawling like a mad baby. Just a few days ago he started pulling up on couches. He's now on to coffee tables, the pot rack, and his mama's legs while she's trying to reorganize the kitchen cupboards.

He loves spaghetti, yogurt, crackers, bananas, and ice cream (we're good parents).

Danny loves his great grandparents, his grandparents, his daddy, the landlord, the grocery store cashiers, any other cashiers, and Mickey Mouse.

He doesn't like cottage cheese or mariachi bands.

when approached by the mariachi band.

At my 10 year reunion last week.