Along with that I have made a few collages of some of my favorite pictures of the two of them. They really are a photogenic lot. =)
Over a year ago we all decided to try and go to grad school in England, not really knowing what kind of adventures we were setting ourselves up for, but really it was one of the best decisions I have made.

And every step of the way has really been an adventure and loads of laughs. They really have become a part of my family, and I am sad that our Pilgrims adventure has come to an end.

There are so many things that I have learned from each of them. Kathleen has a heart that knows no bounds. She loves with her whole heart to all those she comes in contact with. She shows her love and affection to all around her. She cares, she listens, she's thoughtful, she looks for ways to serve, and she puts the needs of others ahead of her own. She is made to be a mother.

Jesse is the perfect big brother. He knows when to listen, when to support, and when to annoy. He is protective, and caring. He is the perfect Irn-Bru drinking buddy. He will give counsel when he feels it is needed. He will walk to train stations late at night to make sure you arrive home safely. He honors his priesthood, and he is a great friend. Jesse loves to learn and loves to start new hobbies. He is also one for adventures.

And I have also learned a lot from them as a couple. In my life I have been blessed to see a few couples that truly seem to be a perfect fit. Now I know that that isn't entirely possible, but Jesse and Kathleen seem to be as close as can possibly be.

They truly listen to one another, they compromise, they respect, they pray together, they read the scriptures together. They have family home evening together. They make time for one another, and most importantly they truly love one another.

I think one of the great joys in life is friendship. Real friends make all the difference in the world.

To all those who read the pilgrims blog you know what I'm talking about. Jesse and Kathleen have probably touched your life in one way or another... because they truly are that awesome.

To Jesse and Kathleen, it has been such a joy to live near you for these past months. You have taught me much, given me much, and truly made yourself a real part of my heart and my family!
I can't wait for our next adventures!
PS I hope this doesn't seem like too much of a eulogy... that was not my intention. But funnily enough it seems like one.